Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union

This evening Barack Obama, the President of the United States, will read his first "State of the Union" address to Congress (and to the American people). Hopefully he will level with us and admit -as Gerald Ford did back in the mid-70's - that "the state of the union is not good" (I'm actually old enough to clearly recall hearing this speech) but likely since our new President has proven himself a consummate master at the art of ecquivocation we will be told something other than the unvarnished truth. Some of the measures that he is expected to propose as a solution to our current economic dilemmas resemble those taken by Herbert Hoover after the Great Crash of 1929, and as my entry below implies, it is my expectation they will have similar results. A band-aid is inappropriate when major surgery is required, but there are few politicians in either major party who have any stomach for the kind of surgery necessary, indeed they would regard even the mere proposal thereof as politically inexpedient to their careers.

I voted for Obama - mostly as a vote against the conservatives (whom I really strongly oppose) rather than as a vote for the candidate himself - but like many I had indulged high hopes that an African-American running on a platform of "change" would actually bring at least some component of genuine progressive thinking to the office. I have been disappointed so far - he has proven himself as merely a progressive liberal by rhetoric, but a pragmatic Centrist by policy, and fundamentally conducts himself no differently than any other Washington politician. The Right has made a sensational rhetorical game out of attacking Obama as a "socialist" and a man who keeps company with "radicals" etc. and has won quite a few converts among a disaffected and not very well informed population - but the truth is there is little substantive difference between either of the major parties in terms of the actual conduct of policy. Both Democrats and Republicans remain equally committed to upholding the existing status quo - in spite of the fact that the evidence - to those who really care to take a good hard look - is that the present way of doing the peoples business in the Republic is failing, and that genuinely progressive alternatives are needed. The people voted for "change" because that is what, deep down, the people really want and need - we haven't seen any!


  1. And we, as a nation got exactly what we deserved. To vote for a candidate with radical associations, lack of track record of any kind, running on a platform of "change" with no verification by voting history, business experience, published articles or any other verifiable body of work to indicate what that change may be, is irresponsible at best. And after sitting through an hour of the eloquently crafted manure shoveling called "The State of the Union" I am certain that much of the population will continue as the sheep that they are in believing he actually has America's best interest at heart.
    Not that I agreed with the views of the republican candidate, but at least in that end I knew what I was getting.

  2. I cant agree with the other comment, but I completely agree with your blog post John. You said what I feel and so much better than i could. I wish you would post it on Facebook...but probably would just get a lot of the above ...

  3. Thanks Barb (actually I did post this on my FB page btw) - as for the comment posted above yours, I guess I'd have more respect for the opinions of its author if he (or she? although in my experience this kind of invective is classic "angry white male" stuff - so I'm bettin' on "he") if he had the courage to give his name instead of posting anonymously.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I didn't think the speech was so hot, I do have some hope for an economic recovery, the Pres. seems to have at least some handle on where to target relief. However I feel Government spending is completely out of control. President Obama is a very smart man, I will try to remain optimistic.

  7. To anonymous: You probably have a legitimate beef, but you are expressing it very poorly.

  8. Warning to commentators: It is perfectly OK to post comments that disagree with mine - indeed informed disagreement is always welcome, but it remains my policy (as heretofore) that anything I personally regard as ad hominem will summarily removed from this page. Please do not post personally disparaging commentary - not only is it in poor taste, it is actually illegal and criminally actionable under existing statutes for harassment. Thank-you.

  9. As is your right John. I compliment you on your policy. Cursing at someone via the internet is indeed a serious matter and should not be tolerated. My sole purpose for commenting on your blog was to let you know I did not post as anonymous. I will not post again out of respect for your wishes, but if I where to do so, I would post as my own, somewhat warty, self.
